Die Einladungen Quiz

Give an appropriate and logical answer to the following questions.

1. Mochtest du mit mir ins Kino gehen?
ANSWER - Aber gerne!

the rest im just going to put the answer to, i did the first one like that so itd be easier to find if you searched it on google.

2 - Naturlich!
3 - Sicher! Danke schon!
4 - Nein danke. Ich schwimme nicht gern.
5 - Das geht. Ich spiele gern Golf.

the next ones you have to pick the english that matches the german

6 - B
7 - F
8 - A
9 - I
10 - E
11 - G
12 - C
13 - D
14 - H
15 - J

6. Would you like to come to my party on Saturday?

ANSWER - B. Ja, super!

7. How about we grab a coffee sometime?
ANSWER - F. Gerne, das klingt gut!

8. Do you want to go hiking with me next weekend?
ANSWER - A. Ja, gerne!

9. Would you like to come over and watch a movie tonight?
ANSWER - I. Klar, warum nicht?

10. Do you want to come to the concert with me on Friday?
ANSWER - E. Ja, unbedingt!

11. Would you like to try this new restaurant with me?
ANSWER - G. Das würde mich freuen!

12. Do you want to go skiing in the Alps next month?
ANSWER - C. Das klingt toll, ich bin dabei!

13. Would you like to come to the museum with me next weekend?
ANSWER - D. Ja, gerne!

14. Do you want to join me for a bike ride this afternoon?
ANSWER - H. Das passt mir gut, danke!

15. Would you like to come to my art exhibit opening next week?
ANSWER - J. Das wäre fantastisch, danke für die Einladung!