A standard number cube with the numbers 1 through 6 is rolled. Find the probability of rolling a number

less than 3. Find the probability of not rolling a number less than 3.

There are two numbers less than 3: 1 and 2. Out of the six possible outcomes, only 2 of them are less than 3. Therefore, the probability of rolling a number less than 3 is 2/6 or 1/3.

To find the probability of not rolling a number less than 3, we can use the fact that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is 1. Since the probability of rolling a number less than 3 is 1/3, the probability of not rolling a number less than 3 must be 1 - 1/3, which simplifies to 2/3.

A number cube is rolled 360 times and the results are recorded as follows: 54 ones, 60 twos, 66 threes, 71

fours, 35 fives, and 74 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling a two or a three?
(1 point)

The number of times a two or a three was rolled is the sum of the number of twos and threes, which is 60 + 66 = 126.

The total number of rolls is 360.

So the experimental probability of rolling a two or a three is:

126/360 = 0.35

Therefore, the answer is 0.35.

A new movie opened the other day. So far, 500,000 people have seen it. The producers of the movie

needed to know if the people liked it. A random sample of 8,000 people were asked as they were leaving
the theater if they liked the movie. Of those interviewed, 4,200 enjoyed the movie. Predict the total
number of people who have enjoyed the movie.
(1 point)
261,500 people
262,645 people
262,500 people
263,000 people

We can set up a proportion to solve the problem. The proportion is:

number of people who enjoyed the movie / total number of people = number of people in the sample who enjoyed the movie / size of the sample

Using the values given in the problem, we can plug them into the proportion:

x / 500,000 = 4,200 / 8,000

Solving for x, we get:

x = (4,200 / 8,000) * 500,000

x ≈ 262,500

Therefore, the predicted total number of people who have enjoyed the movie is approximately 262,500 people.

The answer is: 262,500 people.

To find the probability of rolling a number less than 3, we need to determine the favorable outcomes (rolling a number less than 3) and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes (rolling any number from 1 to 6 on the number cube).

Favorable outcomes: Rolling a number less than 3 (1 or 2)
Total possible outcomes: Rolling any number from 1 to 6

Therefore, the probability of rolling a number less than 3 can be calculated as follows:

Probability of rolling a number less than 3 = Number of favorable outcomes / Total possible outcomes

Number of favorable outcomes = 2 (rolling a 1 or 2)
Total possible outcomes = 6 (rolling any number from 1 to 6)

Probability of rolling a number less than 3 = 2/6 = 1/3

So, the probability of rolling a number less than 3 is 1/3.

To find the probability of not rolling a number less than 3, we can subtract the probability of rolling a number less than 3 from 1.

Probability of not rolling a number less than 3 = 1 - Probability of rolling a number less than 3

Probability of not rolling a number less than 3 = 1 - 1/3 = 2/3

Therefore, the probability of not rolling a number less than 3 is 2/3.