Read this excerpt from the passage.

The driver was humming and then singing the latest Nepali hits, which, of course, I hadn’t heard of. When my brother and I stopped retching, the driver started singing folk songs of the mountains.
Which central idea of the passage does this excerpt help to develop?

A The language barrier causes the travel experience to feel miserable.The language barrier causes the travel experience to feel miserable.
B The travelers are immersed in the beauty of the mountains.The travelers are immersed in the beauty of the mountains.
C The driver helps the narrator understand the importance of the mountains.The driver helps the narrator understand the importance of the mountains.
D The driver doesn’t want to bond with the passengers.The driver doesn’t want to bond with the passengers.

B The travelers are immersed in the beauty of the mountains.

The central idea that this excerpt helps to develop is: B. The travelers are immersed in the beauty of the mountains.

This is evident from the mention of the driver singing folk songs of the mountains, suggesting that the travelers are experiencing the local culture and being exposed to the beauty of the mountains.