who was part of ancient Athenians


All free male Athenian citizens who were over the age of 18 and had completed military training were part of ancient Athenian democracy. Women, slaves, and foreigners were not considered citizens and were not allowed to participate in the democratic process.

how did ancient greek gods influence greek culture

The ancient Greek gods had a significant impact on Greek culture. Here are some ways they influenced Greek culture:

1) Religion: The Greeks were a deeply religious people, and the gods were an integral part of their daily lives. The gods were worshipped through elaborate ceremonies and offerings, and temples were built in their honor throughout Greece.

2) Art and Literature: The Greek gods and myths inspired some of the greatest works of art and literature, from the epic poems of Homer to the sculptures of Phidias and Praxiteles.

3) Philosophy: The Greeks were among the first to ask big philosophical questions about the nature of the gods and the universe. The works of philosophers like Plato and Aristotle were deeply influenced by Greek religious beliefs and mythology.

4) Government: The Greeks believed that their gods had created laws and social norms that should be followed. This belief in divine law helped to shape Greek government and society.

Overall, the Greek gods had a significant impact on almost every aspect of Greek culture, from religion to art, literature, philosophy, and government.

Which of the following describes the work of Hippocrates? (1 point)

an educated guess about the natural world
open-ended questioning about important topics
step-by step methods of solving problems
an ethical code for practicing medicine

An ethical code for practicing medicine describes the work of Hippocrates.

Ancient Athenians were known for practicing direct democracy, where every citizen had the right to participate in decision-making. Not all individuals residing in Athens during this time were considered citizens; only adult males who were born to an Athenian citizen father were eligible. Therefore, women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded from participating in the democratic system.

To further understand the specific details, we can look into historical sources such as ancient texts, academic articles, or reputable websites that discuss ancient Athens and its democratic system. These sources will provide more comprehensive information about the citizens who participated in Athenian democracy, the rights and responsibilities they held, and the political institutions that governed their society.