Which excerpt from George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant best exemplifies a reflective essay?

A. “The young Buddhist priests were the worst of all.”
B. “As for the job I was doing, I hated it more bitterly than I can perhaps make clear.”
C. “Various Burmans stopped me on the way and told me of the elephant’s doings.”
D. “Feelings like this are the normal by-products of imperialism…”

D. “Feelings like this are the normal by-products of imperialism…”

The best excerpt from George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant" that exemplifies a reflective essay is option D: "Feelings like this are the normal by-products of imperialism..." This excerpt showcases the writer's reflection on the emotions he experiences as a result of participating in imperialism. It suggests that the writer is contemplating the effects of imperialism and their impact on both the oppressed and oppressor.