Which body part is a vestigial structure

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal belief, but scientists believe that the appendix is a vestigial structure.

Which body part is a vestigial structure

Human arm
Whale hind limb
Bat wing
Horse hoof

The whale hind limb is a vestigial structure.

A vestigial structure refers to a body part that has diminished in size or functionality over time due to evolution. One well-known example of a vestigial structure in humans is the appendix.

To answer your question directly, the body part that is considered a vestigial structure is the appendix. It is a small, worm-like pouch attached to the beginning of the large intestine.

To find this information, you may have performed an internet search or consulted a biology textbook or other reliable sources. It's always important to verify information from credible sources to ensure accuracy and validity.