Suppose Angle A is 25° and Angle B is greater than 51° but less than 57°, what are the possible measurements for Angle C?


A 73 < C < 104
73 < C < 104

B 98 < C < 12998 < C < 129

C 98 < C < 10498 < C < 104

D 123 < C < 129

B 98 < C < 129


The angles inside a triangle add up to 180 degrees. So, we can use the angle sum property of a triangle to find the possible measurements for angle C.

Let's begin by finding the minimum and maximum values for angle B.

Given that angle B is greater than 51° but less than 57°, we have:

51 < B < 57

Now, we can use the angle sum property of a triangle to find the possible measurements for angle C:

C = 180 - (A + B)

Substituting the given values for angle A and the range for angle B, we get:

C = 180 - (25 + B)

C = 155 - B

To find the minimum and maximum values for angle C, we need to substitute the minimum and maximum values for angle B into the formula for angle C:

For the minimum value of angle B (B = 51), we get:

C = 155 - 51 = 104

For the maximum value of angle B (B = 57), we get:

C = 155 - 57 = 98

Therefore, the possible measurements for angle C are:

98 < C < 104.

So, option B is the correct answer.

To find the possible measurements for Angle C, we need to consider the relationship between the three angles in a triangle. The sum of the interior angles in a triangle is always 180°.

We know that Angle A is 25° and Angle B is greater than 51° but less than 57°.

To find the possible measurements for Angle C, we can subtract the sum of angles A and B from 180°.

180° - 25° - 57° = 98°

So, the possible measurements for Angle C are greater than 98° but less than 180°.

Out of the given options, the correct answer is:

B) 98 < C < 129