Two postal workers have different routes. They both travel from the post office

to six different locations, but in a different order. The first postal worker goes to locations A, B, C, D, E, and F. The second postal worker goes to locations C, F, A, D, E, and B. Despite their different routes, both postal workers end up visiting the same locations.

To illustrate their routes:

Postal Worker 1: Post Office -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> Post Office

Postal Worker 2: Post Office -> C -> F -> A -> D -> E -> B -> Post Office

Both postal workers may have different reasons for their specific order of locations, such as efficiency or traffic patterns. However, ultimately, their goal is the same: to deliver the mail to all of the designated locations.

to deliver mail to various locations. Postal Worker A's route involves going north for 5 miles, then east for 10 miles. Postal Worker B's route involves going north for 8 miles, then west for 6 miles, and finally south for 3 miles.

The total distance traveled by Postal Worker A is the sum of the distances traveled in each direction: 5 miles north + 10 miles east = 15 miles.

The total distance traveled by Postal Worker B is the sum of the distances traveled in each direction: 8 miles north + 6 miles west + 3 miles south = 17 miles.