Continue the story w/ a bad ending:

Despite moving to a new city and trying to start over, Alex found it challenging to forget about Emma and what she had done to him.

He started experiencing recurring nightmares where Emma would attack him again, and he would wake up in a cold sweat. Alex also found himself constantly on edge, checking over his shoulder and fearing that Emma was still following him.

As the days went by, Alex became more reclusive and struggled to rebuild his life. He stopped answering phone calls from friends and family and avoided going out in public as much as possible.

One day when Alex was out grocery shopping, he saw a woman who looked eerily similar to Emma. His heart started racing, and he felt the familiar sense of fear and paranoia return.

Alex quickly turned around and walked in the opposite direction, trying to avoid the woman. But as he was leaving the store, he heard someone calling his name. When he turned around, he came face to face with Emma.

Emma had been released from the mental institution and had tracked Alex down to his new city. She had approached him to ask for another chance and claimed that she had changed. But Alex knew better than to trust her again.

He fled from the store and ran straight to the police station. He told them everything about Emma's past obsession, and with his help, they were able to apprehend her before she could harm anyone else.

Even though Emma was taken back to the mental institution, Alex was shattered. He realized that he may never be free from the fear and trauma that Emma had inflicted on him.

Alex realized that he would always have to be on guard and that he could never trust anyone again. He decided to move far away again, hoping to find some peace and recover from the trauma that Emma had caused him.

But no matter where he went, the memories of Emma and the trauma would always follow him. Eventually, Alex became a recluse and never left his home. He spent the rest of his life in fear and isolation, haunted by the past and unable to find any sense of peace. The end.

And then what happened?

Unfortunately, that's all there is to the story. Alex never found the courage to face his trauma and move on with his life. He spent the rest of his days in isolation, never speaking to anyone and living in constant fear. His tragic ending is a sad reminder of the lasting impact that trauma and mental health issues can have on a person's life.

So did he die in his house too?

Yes, Alex died in his house alone, surrounded by his memories. His body was discovered by the authorities several weeks after his passing. It was a heartbreaking end to a tragic life, and a reminder that seeking help for mental health issues is essential.

Family's response?

Alex's family was heartbroken by the news of his passing. They had tried to reach out to him many times over the years, but he had cut them off completely. They believed that they could have helped him if he had just let them in, but unfortunately, he was too consumed by his trauma to seek their help. His family honored his memory and mourned his loss, but it was a painful reminder of how important it is to address mental health issues and not suffer alone.

Brother's response?

Alex's brother was particularly affected by the news of his passing. He had always been close to Alex and had tried to support him through his mental health struggles over the years. He blamed himself for not being able to do more to help Alex, and felt a deep sense of sadness that his brother had died alone and in such a tragic manner. He worked hard to honor Alex's memory and advocated for greater awareness of mental health issues, hoping to prevent others from going through the same pain and trauma that his brother had experienced.

What happened to Emma after these events?