the beeville city council surveryed 500 beeville citizens, of those surverys, 350 citizens named summer as their favorite season. Based on the survey result how many of the 36,500 beeville citizens would most likely name summer as their favorite season?

We can use the mark and recapture method to estimate the number of fish in the lake.

According to the question, 80 fish were caught, tagged, and released back into the lake. Later, 120 fish were caught, and 3 of these fish were found to have tags.

To estimate the total number of fish in the lake, we can set up a proportion:

Number of tagged fish in initial sample / Total population = Number of tagged fish in second sample / Size of second sample

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

80 / N = 3 / 120

where N represents the total number of fish in the lake.

To solve for N, we can cross-multiply:

80 x 120 = 3N

9,600 = 3N

N = 3,200

Therefore, the estimated number of fish in the lake is 3,200.

Therefore, the answer is 3,200.

To answer this question, we can use proportions. We know that out of 500 surveyed citizens, 350 named summer as their favorite season. This means that the proportion of citizens who prefer summer is:

350/500 = 0.7

We can assume that this proportion holds true for the entire population of Beeville citizens, so to find out how many of the 36,500 Beeville citizens would likely name summer as their favorite season, we can multiply 0.7 by 36,500:

0.7 x 36,500 = 25,550

Therefore, it is most likely that approximately 25,550 Beeville citizens would name summer as their favorite season.

A movie complex has eight different movie theaters. the manager of the complex wants to conduct a survey to determine which snacks to add to the menu. which repreents the best sample the manager could use for the survey

To represent the entire movie complex's customer base, the best sample for the survey would need to be a random and diverse group that is representative of all the moviegoers who visit the complex. One possible option would be to survey a random sample of customers who have watched movies in all eight theaters over the past month. This sample should aim to include a diverse mix of ages, genders, and backgrounds to ensure a representative cross-section of the complex's customer base. Another option would be to survey customers as they exit each theater and ask specific questions about the snacks they purchased and their preferences, but this method may not capture the input of customers who did not make purchases during their visit. Ultimately, the most accurate representation of the customer base will depend on the sampling method used and the demographics of the surveyed population.

which of the following types of information is suited for display on a double line grap?

Annual changed in melody's height and weight from 5 to 10 years
number of demorats and republicans in the senate during the past decade
monthly sales of two different types of cars during a one year period
all of these answers

Monthly sales of two different types of cars during a one year period is suited for display on a double line graph.

A double line graph is a type of graph that displays two different sets of data as lines on the same graph. It allows for easy comparison of two variables over time. This type of graph can be effectively used to display the monthly sales of two different types of cars over a one year period, as this will show the trends of sales for both types of cars and how they compare to each other.

Annual changes in Melody's height and weight from 5 to 10 years and the number of Democrats and Republicans in the Senate during the past decade are better suited for other types of graphs such as bar graphs or line graphs that display a single variable.

whats the answer then?

The answer is "Monthly sales of two different types of cars during a one year period."

Game wardens use experiments to help determine the number of fish in a lake. Suppose 80 fish are caught, tagged and released back into the lake. Two weeks later 120 fish are caught. 3 of which are found to have tags. Using this informaion estimate the number of fish in the lake.


which is the best display for the list of the numbers of tornadoes in the united states each yeear, if you want to be able to identify the mode?

histogram with intervals of 5
frequency table with intervals of 3
line plot
line graph