How does a diagram convey information?(1 point)


It uses audio to explain a concept.
It uses audio to explain a concept.

It uses video to explain a concept.
It uses video to explain a concept.

It uses printed text to explain a concept.
It uses printed text to explain a concept.

It uses visuals to explain a concept.
It uses visuals to explain a concept.

It organizes and presents information in a visual format, often using symbols, labels, and arrows to illustrate relationships and connections between different parts of the concept or topic being presented.

Using multimedia and visual displays can be extremely helpful when dealing with what kind of topics?(1 point)



multiple and complex.

A diagram conveys information by using visuals to explain a concept. It is a visual representation of information, often using shapes, symbols, and lines to show relationships and connections between different elements. To understand the information conveyed by a diagram, you would examine the visuals, interpret the various components, and analyze how they are organized and related to each other. By observing and understanding the visual elements of the diagram, you can gain insights and knowledge about the concept being presented.