What are the similarities between Portugal and Spain's motivations for exploration of the "New World"?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide facts.

Both Portugal and Spain had similar motivations for exploration of the "New World". These motivations include:

1. Economic: Both countries were seeking to expand their trade networks and acquire valuable resources like gold, silver, and spices.

2. Religious: Both countries saw a religious incentive in spreading Christianity to new lands and converting the native people to Catholicism.

3. National prestige: Both countries were seeking to establish themselves as powerful nations and gain prestige by claiming new territories.

4. Political: Both countries had a desire to establish colonies and secure strategic locations for naval bases and trade routes.

5. Technological advancements: Portugal and Spain were motivated to explore new lands to expand their knowledge and technology in navigation, shipbuilding, and cartography.