Convert 81.3% to a fraction in simplest form and a decimal.

To convert 81.3% to a fraction, we divide by 100 and simplify:

81.3% = 81.3/100 = 813/1000

So, 81.3% is equivalent to the fraction 813/1000 in simplest form.

To convert 81.3% to a decimal, we divide by 100:

81.3% = 81.3/100 = 0.813

This one looks right !

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To convert a percentage to a fraction, you can divide the percentage by 100 and simplify the fraction if possible.

To convert 81.3% to a fraction in simplest form:
Step 1: Divide 81.3 by 100: 81.3 ÷ 100 = 0.813
Step 2: Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, since there are no common factors between the numerator and denominator, the fraction is already in simplest form.
So, 81.3% can be written as the fraction 0.813 in simplest form.

To convert 81.3% to a decimal:
Step 1: Divide 81.3 by 100: 81.3 ÷ 100 = 0.813
Therefore, 81.3% is equivalent to the fraction 0.813 in decimal form.