Mendeleev predicted that an element would be discovered with similar properties as silicon. He called it eka-silicon. Which group do you think he left a gap in for this element?

1. Group 8
2. Group 1
3. Group 4

3. Group 4.

mass media is ------------------

Mass media refers to the various platforms and channels of communication that reach a large audience, such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, and the internet. It is a means of mass communication and dissemination of information to a broad segment of the population.

persuade is................

To persuade means to convince or influence someone to do or believe something. It involves presenting an argument or point of view to another person with the aim of convincing them to take a particular action or adopt a particular belief or perspective. The objective of persuasion is to change or reinforce the attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors of others through various means, such as rational argument, emotional appeals, and social influence.

propaganda is

Propaganda refers to the use of communication, media, and messaging to influence the perceptions, attitudes, values, and behaviors of a target audience towards a specific idea, product, cause, or political agenda. It is often used in a negative sense to describe deliberate or systematic attempts to manipulate public opinion through misleading or biased information and one-sided arguments. Propaganda can take many forms, including advertisements, news articles, political speeches, posters, films, and social media posts, among others. The goal of propaganda is to create a favorable image or opinion about something or someone while discrediting opposing viewpoints.

snob appeal (propaganda) -

Snob appeal is a propaganda technique used to persuade people to buy a product or support an idea because it is perceived as exclusive, elite, or high-end. It plays on people's desire to associate themselves with status symbols or prestigious brands, often by portraying those who use or endorse the product as wealthy, fashionable, or sophisticated. By creating an image of exclusivity or luxury, advertisers can appeal to people's social aspirations and desire to be perceived as part of an elite group. However, this technique can also create an impression of elitism and social inequality, and it can be used to manipulate people into making purchases that they cannot afford or that do not meet their actual needs.
