As a result of their genetic testing to develop the phylogenetic tree for eukaryotic organisms, scientists have found that the malaria parasite Plasmodium contains a chloroplast-like plastid. This is an unexpected explanation for the mystery of why medications that attacked chloroplasts were effective in treating malaria. Many scientists are pointing to this finding as a relic of evolution, proof that Plasmodium is an evolutionary relative of photosynthetic organisms. How would you respond to this claim?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, based on scientific evidence, the claim that Plasmodium is an evolutionary relative of photosynthetic organisms seems to be supported by the phylogenetic tree for eukaryotic organisms developed by genetic testing. This finding suggests that Plasmodium and photosynthetic organisms share a common ancestor, which is evidence of evolution. Moreover, this discovery highlights the importance of genetic testing in revealing the evolutionary history of organisms and the functions of their organelles.