Write a balanced equation to show the reaction that occurs when:

a) Carbon react with bromine
b) Germanium reacts with fluorine
c) Tin with oxygen
d) Lead with hot concentrated hydrochloric acid
e) Silicon reacts with steam

a) C + Br2 → CBr4

b) Ge + 2F2 → GeF4
c) 2Sn + O2 → 2SnO2
d) Pb + 2HCl → PbCl2 + H2
e) Si + 2H2O → SiO2 + 2H2

a) Carbon reacts with bromine:

C + Br2 -> CBr4

b) Germanium reacts with fluorine:
Ge + 2F2 -> GeF4

c) Tin reacts with oxygen:
2Sn + O2 -> 2SnO

d) Lead reacts with hot concentrated hydrochloric acid:
Pb + 2HCl -> PbCl2 + H2

e) Silicon reacts with steam:
Si + 2H2O -> SiO2 + 2H2

a) Carbon reacts with bromine:

To write a balanced equation, we need to know the chemical formula for both carbon and bromine. Carbon's chemical symbol is C, while bromine's chemical symbol is Br. The reaction between carbon and bromine can be represented by the equation: C + Br2 → CBr4.

b) Germanium reacts with fluorine:
Similar to the previous equation, we need to know the chemical formula for germanium and fluorine. Germanium's chemical symbol is Ge, and fluorine's chemical symbol is F. The balanced equation for the reaction between germanium and fluorine is: Ge + 2F2 → GeF4.

c) Tin reacts with oxygen:
Knowing the chemical formula for tin (Sn) and oxygen (O2), we can write the balanced equation for the reaction: 2Sn + O2 → 2SnO.

d) Lead reacts with hot concentrated hydrochloric acid:
The chemical formula for lead is Pb, and hydrochloric acid is represented as HCl. When lead reacts with hot concentrated hydrochloric acid, the balanced equation becomes: Pb + 2HCl → PbCl2 + H2.

e) Silicon reacts with steam:
For the reaction between silicon and steam (H2O), we can write the balanced equation using the chemical formula for silicon (Si): Si + 2H2O → SiO2 + 2H2.