

On their family vacation, the Lundy family drove 234 miles on Monday. They drove 354 more miles on Tuesday. How many total miles did the Lundy family drive on Monday and Tuesday?


The total miles the Lundy family drove on Monday and Tuesday is 588 miles.

We can find this by adding the miles driven on Monday and Tuesday:

234 miles + 354 miles = 588 miles

Mr. Carson's class raised $283 during the fall fundraiser.

The class raised $349 during the spring fundraiser.
How much did Mr. Carson's class raise altogether?




Mr. Carson's class raised $632 altogether.

We can find this by adding the amount raised during the fall fundraiser and the amount raised during the spring fundraiser:

$283 + $349 = $632

Therefore, the answer is D. $632.

To find the sum of 436 and 351, you can add the individual digits from right to left, starting with the ones place, and carrying over if necessary.

Starting with the ones place, we have 6 + 1 = 7. Write down the 7 in the ones place.

Moving to the tens place, we have 3 + 5 = 8. Write down the 8 in the tens place.

Finally, in the hundreds place, we have 4 + 3 = 7. Write down the 7 in the hundreds place.

So, the sum of 436 and 351 is 787