What form of government is the US federal government?

direct democracy
indirect democracy

D. indirect democracy

Which of these is not a characteristic of a federal form of government?

free and fair elections
a written constitution
socialization through education
layers of government

C. socialization through education

Which statement best describes the colonial attitude before the 1760s?

Most colonists wanted complete independence from Great Britain.
The colonists thought they should be granted more freedoms than the British citizens living in England received.
Most colonists wanted to transfer their loyalties to the French government.
Most colonists wanted the same rights and privileges enjoyed by British citizens living in England.

D. Most colonists wanted the same rights and privileges enjoyed by British citizens living in England.

The correct answer is D. The US federal government is an indirect democracy.

To arrive at this answer, let's briefly explain each option:

A. Totalitarian: A totalitarian form of government is characterized by a single ruler or ruling party that has complete control over all aspects of society, including political, economic, and social spheres. This means that individual rights, freedoms, and participation in decision-making are highly restricted, which is not the case for the US federal government.

B. Unitary: A unitary form of government is one where power is concentrated in a central government, with little or no authority granted to regional or local governments. In the US, powers are divided between the federal government and the individual state governments, making it a federal system rather than a purely unitary system.

C. Direct democracy: In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in the decision-making process by voting on every issue or law. While there are instances of direct democracy at the local level in the US, such as town hall meetings or referendums, the federal government operates on a representative democracy model, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

D. Indirect democracy: Also known as representative democracy, an indirect democracy is a system in which citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. The US federal government follows this model, where eligible citizens vote for representatives at various levels of government, such as senators, congressmen, and the president. These representatives then make decisions and pass laws that affect the population.

Therefore, based on this explanation, the correct answer is D. indirect democracy.