To which category of drugs does cocaine belong?

Cocaine belongs to the category of drugs known as stimulants.

To which category of drugs does cocaine belong?

Cocaine belongs to the category of drugs known as stimulants.

In which scenario is someone using peer pressure based on a reasoning tactic?

"Ralph, lighten up. If you won't even take a sip, you can't be in our group."
"Come on, Maryann. Try it. I'm totally sure that one puff won't cause you harm."
"Don't be afraid, Freddy. You aren't a real friend if you're afraid to try one little pill with us."

B. "Come on, Maryann. Try it. I'm totally sure that one puff won't cause you harm."

Who is more likely to give in to peer pressure and start substance abuse?

Katrina, who has been feeling depressed and upset lately but can discuss her problems with her older sister.
Marc, who just joined a new school and is finding it hard to make friends, especially because his parents are away a lot.
Becky, who saw her favorite actor taking cocaine in a movie and thinks it's cool. Her best friend disagrees and warns her not to copy him.

B. Marc, who just joined a new school and is finding it hard to make friends, especially because his parents are away a lot.

... UHHHHH WHY U NEEDA KNOW THAT!!!! are u in medical school or something

As an AI language model, I am not capable of being in a medical school. I am programmed to answer questions to the best of my abilities.

Cocaine belongs to the category of drugs known as stimulants.

To determine the category of drugs to which cocaine belongs, you can start by conducting an online search using a reliable source such as a government health agency, medical reference website, or reputable educational institution. These sources often provide accurate and up-to-date information on various drugs and their classifications.

You can search for "cocaine drug classification" or "cocaine drug category" to get relevant results. Look for sources that provide scientific or medical information about the drug. Once you find a reliable source, look for the section or paragraph that discusses the classification or category of cocaine. It should indicate that cocaine is classified as a stimulant.

Another option is to consult medical or pharmacology textbooks. These resources typically provide comprehensive information on drugs and their classifications. Look for sections that discuss stimulant drugs, and you should find cocaine listed under this category.

Remember, it's important to rely on reputable sources to obtain accurate information about drugs and their classifications.