For a school project, Alice surveyed several male students in her class to determine whether there is a relationship between their heights and weights. Which scatter plot represents the data displayed in the table below?

Height (in.) 54 56 58 61 63 65 70 71
Weight (lbs.) 100 110 122 135 146 150 170 171
A. A scatter plot is shown.The x-axis is labeled Weight left-parenthesis lbs. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 200 with a step size of 50. The y-axis is labeled Height left-parenthesis in. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20. The scatter plots shows these approximate points: left-parenthesis 100 comma 70 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 110 comma 70 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 125 comma 65 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 140 comma 60 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 145 comma 60 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 150 comma 60 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 170 comma 50 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 175 comma 55 right-parenthesis.
B. A scatter plot is shown.The x-axis is labeled Weight left-parenthesis lbs. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20. The y-axis is labeled Height left-parenthesis in. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 100 with a step size of 20. The scatter plots shows these approximate points: left-parenthesis 57 comma 50 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 58 comma 58 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 60 comma 60 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 65 comma 65 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 66 comma 70 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 65 comma 78 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 70 comma 81 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 75 comma 85 right-parenthesis.
C. A scatter plot is shown.The x-axis is labeled Height left-parenthesis in. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20. The y-axis is labeled Weight left-parenthesis lbs. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 100 with a step size of 20. The scatter plots shows these approximate points: left-parenthesis 57 comma 50 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 58 comma 58 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 60 comma 60 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 65 comma 65 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 66 comma 70 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 65 comma 78 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 70 comma 81 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 75 comma 85 right-parenthesis.
D. A scatter plot is shown.

B. A scatter plot is shown.The x-axis is labeled Weight left-parenthesis lbs. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20. The y-axis is labeled Height left-parenthesis in. right-parenthesis and has numbers from 0 to 100 with a step size of 20. The scatter plots shows these approximate points: left-parenthesis 57 comma 50 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 58 comma 58 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 60 comma 60 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 65 comma 65 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 66 comma 70 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 65 comma 78 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 70 comma 81 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 75 comma 85 right-parenthesis.

To determine which scatter plot represents the data displayed in the table, we need to analyze the x-axis and y-axis labels as well as the placement of the points.

Looking at the table, we have height values ranging from 54 to 71 inches and weight values ranging from 100 to 171 pounds.

Let's analyze each scatter plot option:

A. This scatter plot has the x-axis labeled Weight (lbs.) and the y-axis labeled Height (in.). The x-axis has numbers from 0 to 200 with a step size of 50, and the y-axis has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20. The given points on the scatter plot do not match the values from the table.

B. This scatter plot has the x-axis labeled Weight (lbs.) and the y-axis labeled Height (in.). The x-axis has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20, and the y-axis has numbers from 0 to 100 with a step size of 20. The given points on the scatter plot do not match the values from the table.

C. This scatter plot has the x-axis labeled Height (in.) and the y-axis labeled Weight (lbs.). The x-axis has numbers from 0 to 80 with a step size of 20, and the y-axis has numbers from 0 to 100 with a step size of 20. The given points on the scatter plot match the values from the table.

D. There is no description or representation of a scatter plot in option D.

Based on the analysis, the scatter plot that represents the data displayed in the table is option C.