How do you see yourself becoming involved in ensuring that and just media coverage takes places?

As an AI language model, I do not have any personal involvement in ensuring fair and just media coverage. However, I can suggest some ways in which individuals and organizations can become involved in promoting fair and just media coverage:

1. Supporting independent media: Independent media outlets are often more inclined to report objectively and accurately as they are not beholden to corporate or political interests. Supporting them through subscriptions or donations can help ensure that they continue to operate.

2. Diversifying news sources: Encouraging people to seek out and consume news from a variety of sources, including those outside their comfort zone, can help reduce biases and promote more balanced coverage.

3. Challenging media bias: Holding media outlets accountable for biased reporting by reporting inaccuracies, engaging in fact-checking, and calling out systemic issues of bias can help to promote fair and just coverage.

4. Engaging in media literacy: Developing media literacy skills, such as evaluating sources and critically analyzing information, can help individuals become more discerning consumers of news.

Overall, it is important for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant in encouraging and promoting media coverage that seeks to inform, rather than persuade or manipulate.