Luisa is using a CT scanner to reconstruct the face of an unidentified female skull. What is it about CT technology that makes it so useful to her work?

A CT scan provides the highest-resolution images.
Unlike x-ray machines, CT scanners can be handheld.
Scans taken directly from the skull can be sent to a printer.
CT scans provide data about both soft and hard tissue.

D. CT scans provide data about both soft and hard tissue.

Javiera is a forensic anthropologist who works at a metropolitan police laboratory. When she received a box of bones for analysis, she noted that the collection included all of the bones from the victim’s legs and arms except for one. What should Javiera be able to determine about the victim without too much difficulty?

the victim’s likely racial ancestry
a rough approximation of age at death
the cause and manner of the victim’s death
the victim’s approximate height

D. the victim’s approximate height

When a police department asked for the public’s help with a missing persons case, it received a tip that the missing person could be found at the bottom of a local rock quarry. When police investigated the quarry, they found human remains. At this stage, how could a forensic anthropologist assist in the case?

by making a connection between photos of the evidence
by linking the missing person to the body in the quarry
by confirming that the bones in the quarry are from a human
by attempting to determine the cause and manner of death

C. by confirming that the bones in the quarry are from a human.

The correct answer is D. CT scans provide data about both soft and hard tissue.

CT stands for computed tomography, which is an imaging technique that uses X-rays and computer processing to create cross-sectional images of the body. CT technology is especially useful for Luisa's work of reconstructing the face of an unidentified female skull because it provides detailed information about both soft and hard tissue.

CT scanners are able to differentiate between different types of tissue, such as bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels. This is because different tissues have different densities, which can be detected by the X-rays passing through the body. By analyzing these different densities, the CT scanner can create detailed images of both the external and internal structures of the skull.

By providing data about both soft and hard tissue, CT scans allow Luisa to accurately study the features and structures of the skull. This information helps her in the process of reconstructing the face, as she can analyze the shape and contours of the skull to estimate facial features such as the position of the eyes, nose, and mouth.

In comparison, option A is incorrect because while CT scans provide high-resolution images, it is not necessarily the highest-resolution imaging technique available. Option B is incorrect because CT scanners are large machines and cannot be handheld. Option C is incorrect because while CT scans can be sent to a printer for documentation purposes, it is not the primary reason why CT technology is useful for Luisa's work.