If x^2 = 169, what is x - 5

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First we need to find the value of x.

Taking the square root of both sides of x^2 = 169:

√x^2 = ±√169

x = ±13

Since we are looking for x - 5, we need to subtract 5 from the value of x we found:

x - 5 = ±13 - 5

x - 5 = 8 or x - 5 = -18

Therefore, there are two possible values for x - 5:

x - 5 = 8 or x - 5 = -18

To find the value of x - 5, let's first solve for x in the equation x^2 = 169.

Taking the square root of both sides of the equation, we have:

√(x^2) = ±√169

Simplifying, we get:

x = ±13

Now, substitute the values of x into the expression x - 5:

For x = 13,
13 - 5 = 8

For x = -13,
-13 - 5 = -18

Therefore, x - 5 equals either 8 or -18.

To find the value of x - 5, we first need to solve for x in the equation x^2 = 169.

Step 1: Take the square root of both sides of the equation.

√(x^2) = √169

Simplifying, we have:

|x| = 13

Step 2: We consider both the positive and negative square root of 13 since squaring any real number will result in a positive value.

Therefore, we have two possibilities for x:

x = 13 or x = -13

Step 3: Now substitute the values of x into the expression x - 5.

For x = 13:

13 - 5 = 8

For x = -13:

-13 - 5 = -18

So, the possible values for x - 5 are 8 and -18.