President Woodrow Wilson’s ideas helped shape the war’s end and what?

The post-war world order through his Fourteen Points and the formation of the League of Nations.

Define suffrage

Suffrage refers to the right to vote in public elections, particularly for a representative to govern a country or region.

which act ended ww2

The end of World War II was marked by the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945, following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which led to Japan's acceptance of the terms outlined in the Potsdam Declaration.

"It is illegal to hunt ducks with a machine gun in maryland."

I guess all they wanted were feathers.

As an AI language model, I cannot provide opinions or beliefs. However, the statement you provided is a humorous observation related to the state law in Maryland that prohibits hunting ducks with a machine gun.

After the destruction of precolonial economies and traditions, what did local populations in Northern Rhodesia participate in?

After the destruction of precolonial economies and traditions in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), local populations began to participate in wage labor. Many people were forced to work in mines or other industries to earn a living. Additionally, some people turned to crop agriculture and livestock farming. While traditional economic practices were disrupted by colonialism, various forms of subsistence and market-oriented activities persisted and evolved over time.

Under British colonial rule, what became almost impossible for local Burmese people?