True or False: Fighting stopped in Angola and Mozambique after they achieved independence because the US and Soviet Union funded the local militaries






The fighting in Angola and Mozambique did not stop immediately after they achieved independence. Both countries experienced prolonged civil wars that continued for several years after gaining independence. The conflicts were primarily driven by internal political and socioeconomic issues, ethnic tensions, and regional power struggles. While both the US and the Soviet Union provided support to various factions during these conflicts, it is an oversimplification to say that their assistance alone was responsible for the continuation or cessation of fighting.


Fighting in Angola and Mozambique did not stop immediately after they achieved independence. Both countries experienced prolonged conflicts and civil wars that lasted for years after gaining independence. While the US and Soviet Union did provide military aid to various factions in these conflicts, it was not solely responsible for the continuation or resolution of the fighting. Other factors such as internal political dynamics, economic tensions, and regional power struggles also played significant roles in prolonging the conflicts. The resolution of the wars eventually came through diplomatic negotiations and peace agreements brokered by international organizations and neighboring countries.