23rd Amendment (1961)

24th Amendment (1964)
26th Amendment (1971)
What issue was dealt by each of these amendments to the U.S. Constitution?
A Congressional pay
B voting rights
C rights of the accused
D Presidential power

B voting rights

In what way were residents of Washington, D.C., impacted by the 23rd Amendment?

A They were given 2 seats in the House of Representatives.
B They were granted statehood by they U.S. Congress.
C They were allowed to participate in Presidential elections.
D They became exempt from having to pay income taxes.

C They were allowed to participate in Presidential elections.

The 23rd Amendment, ratified in 1961, addressed the issue of voting rights. It specifically granted residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in presidential elections. Prior to this amendment, the residents of D.C. did not have representation in the Electoral College.

The 24th Amendment, ratified in 1964, also dealt with voting rights. It specifically addressed the issue of poll taxes in federal elections. The amendment prohibits the imposition of poll taxes, which had historically been used to disenfranchise African American voters. This amendment aimed to ensure that voting was accessible to all citizens regardless of their economic status.

The 26th Amendment, ratified in 1971, also focused on voting rights. It lowered the voting age across the country from 21 to 18. This amendment was a result of the Vietnam War and the argument that if young adults were old enough to be drafted into the military, they should have the right to vote.

Therefore, the correct response for each of these amendments is B - voting rights.