infer which "great victory" the author references in the excerpt. A) election of the first female governor B) success of the first women labor strike C) passage of the equal rights amendment D) passage of the 19th amendment.

D) passage of the 19th amendment.

Awnsers please

The answer is D) passage of the 19th amendment.

To infer which "great victory" the author is referencing in the excerpt, we need to analyze the given options and the context of the passage.

Let's break down each option:

A) Election of the first female governor: This option refers to a significant achievement in women's rights where the first female governor was elected. While this is undoubtedly a milestone, the passage does not provide any evidence or context related to an election, making this option less likely.

B) Success of the first women labor strike: This option suggests that the author is referring to the successful outcome of the first women labor strike. However, the passage does not mention any labor strikes, making this option less plausible as well.

C) Passage of the equal rights amendment: This option mentions the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Although the passage does not explicitly mention an amendment, it discusses a "great victory" that aligns with the broader objective of achieving equal rights for women. Therefore, this option warrants further consideration.

D) Passage of the 19th amendment: This option refers to the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States. While this was indeed a significant victory for women's rights, the passage lacks specific details or indicators related to voting, making this option less probable.

Given the analysis, option C) passage of the equal rights amendment seems to be the most likely answer. However, it is important to note that complete certainty would require more information from the passage or additional context.