The perimeter of a map of the world is 26 feet. It is 5 feet tall. How wide is it?

We cannot determine the width of the map with the given information. The perimeter and height of the map do not provide enough information to solve for the width. We would need additional measurements, such as the ratio of the map's length to width or the area of the map, to determine the width.


I'm sorry, I don't know what do you mean by '8'. Could you please provide more information or context so I can better understand and assist you?

To find the width of the map, we need to subtract the lengths of the vertical sides from the total perimeter.

The given information states that the map is 5 feet tall, which means there are two equal vertical sides each measuring 5 feet. Therefore, the total length of the vertical sides is 5 + 5 = 10 feet.

To find the width, we subtract the length of the vertical sides from the total perimeter:

Width = Total Perimeter - Length of Vertical Sides

Width = 26 feet - 10 feet

Width = 16 feet

Therefore, the width of the map is 16 feet.