There were some oranges in 3 baskets, Q, R and S. 25% of the number of oranges in Basket Q was equal to 10% of the number of oranges in Basket R. The number of oranges in Basket S was 60% of the total number of oranges in Basket Q and R. After Oscar removed 10% of the oranges in Basket S, there were 89 more oranges in Basket S than in Basket R. In the end, how many oranges should be transferred from Basket R to Basket S so that the number of oranges in Basket Q would be the same as Basket R?

Let's call the number of oranges in Basket Q "Q", the number in Basket R "R", and the number in Basket S "S".

From the first sentence, we know that:

0.25Q = 0.1R

S = 0.6(Q+R)

After Oscar removes 10% of the oranges in S, there are (0.9S) oranges left. We know that this is 89 more than the number of oranges in R, so:

0.9S - R = 89

We want to end up with the same number of oranges in Q and R, so let's call the number we need to transfer from R to S "x". After the transfer, we'll have:

Q = R - x
S = S + x

Now we can substitute these values into the equations we had before:

0.25(Q) = 0.1(R-x) (from the first sentence)

S = 0.6(Q+R) + x (from the second sentence)

0.9(S) - R = 89 (from the third sentence)

Let's simplify the first two equations by distributing:

0.25Q = 0.1R - 0.1x
S = 0.6Q + 0.6R + x

Now we can substitute S and Q into the third equation:

0.9(0.6Q + 0.6R + x) - R = 89

0.54Q + 0.54R + 0.9x - R = 89

0.54Q + 0.46R + 0.9x = 89

Substitute Q = R - x into this equation:

0.54(R-x) + 0.46R + 0.9x = 89

0.54R - 0.54x + 0.46R + 0.9x = 89

1R + 0.36x = 89

Solve for x:

0.36x = 89 - R

x = (89 - R) / 0.36

Now we can substitute this value for x into Q = R - x to find the final answer:

Q = R - (89-R)/0.36

Q = 1.64R - 247

So the number of oranges that should be transferred from R to S is (89-R)/0.36, and the final number of oranges in Q will be 1.64 times the number of oranges in R, minus 247.