Is there plagiarism in this report?

Amelia Earhart's Background Life
“She was born in 1897.” Amelia became the sixteenth woman to receive a pilot’s license”. She had also flown solo across the pacific as well.

What obstacles did Amelia face:
Amelia had to face obstacles like being a woman, being a woman back then was hard because for a while woman could not vote, women weren't aloud to have jobs unless they seemed fit for what a woman should do but most women stayed home while they cooked and cleaned. “She liked to do “boy” activities” as you can see in some of her pictures she doesn't wear a lot of dresses and her hair is short so they considered her odd but she didn't care.
“September 23,1930 her father died of cancer”.

Lasting effects on society today?
“July 2,1937 Amelia Earhart disappeared near howland island in the pacific” she has never been seen sense. The one of many effects she left on the world of her short life is that woman should not take no for an answer and to be yourself. It was a tragedy of her disappearance/death and who knows what she could have accomplished if it never happened.

No, there is no plagiarism in this report.

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To determine if there is plagiarism in this report, we would need to compare the content to its original sources. However, I can explain how you can identify potential plagiarism:

1. Look for direct quotes: Check if any sentences or phrases in the report match exactly with a source without proper attribution or quotation marks.

2. Paraphrasing: Compare the wording and sentence structure used in the report with the original source. If the ideas are too similar and not properly attributed, it could be considered plagiarism.

3. Unique information: If the report contains specific details or unique insights that cannot be found in common knowledge, it's important to check if these ideas are properly credited to their original source.

In the provided passage, there is no clear indication of the sources used, so it is difficult to verify if it includes plagiarism. However, if you suspect plagiarism, you can follow these steps to further investigate:

1. Identify potential sources: Look for books, articles, or websites that could have been used for research on Amelia Earhart.

2. Compare the content: Read the original sources and compare the language, structure, and ideas with those in the report.

3. Check for proper citations: Look for in-text citations or a bibliography at the end of the report that provides references to the sources used. If there are no citations, it could indicate plagiarism.

Remember, it is important to properly attribute and cite any sources used in a report to avoid plagiarism.