Describe a sequence of transformations that will map ΔABC to ΔTSR. Select all that apply.

A. Reflect ΔABC in the y-axis. Then, translate ΔABC down and to the left.
B. Reflect ΔTSR in the y-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.
C. Reflect ΔABC in the x-axis. Then, translate ΔABC right.
D. Reflect ΔTSR in the x-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.

B. Reflect ΔTSR in the y-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.

Describe a sequence of two transformations that would map quadrilateral ABCA onto quadrilateral A”B”C”D”

A. First, rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise. Then, translate up and to the left.
B. First, rotate 90 degrees clockwise. Then, reflect in the axis.
C. First, translate up and to the left. Then, rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.

C. First, translate up and to the left. Then, rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.

To map a triangle ABC to triangle TSR, we need to apply a sequence of transformations.

Option A: Reflect ΔABC in the y-axis. Then, translate ΔABC down and to the left.
This transformation reflects the triangle across the y-axis, which will change the orientation. Then, it translates the triangle down and to the left. These transformations change the position of the triangle but do not maintain the same shape, so option A is not correct for mapping ΔABC to ΔTSR.

Option B: Reflect ΔTSR in the y-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.
This transformation reflects the triangle across the y-axis, which will change the orientation to match. Then, it translates the triangle up and to the left. These transformations maintain the shape and change the position, so option B is correct for mapping ΔABC to ΔTSR.

Option C: Reflect ΔABC in the x-axis. Then, translate ΔABC right.
This transformation reflects the triangle across the x-axis, which will change the orientation. Then, it translates the triangle to the right. These transformations change the position of the triangle but do not maintain the same shape, so option C is not correct for mapping ΔABC to ΔTSR.

Option D: Reflect ΔTSR in the x-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.
This transformation reflects the triangle across the x-axis, which will change the orientation to match. Then, it translates the triangle up and to the left. These transformations maintain the shape and change the position, so option D is correct for mapping ΔABC to ΔTSR.

Therefore, the correct transformations to map ΔABC to ΔTSR are:
B. Reflect ΔTSR in the y-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.
D. Reflect ΔTSR in the x-axis. Then, translate ΔTSR up and to the left.