
A)another term for a moneran; a single-celled algae
B)having to do with a relationship between organisms that is beneficial to both
C)a single-celled organism that has characteristics of both plants and animals
D)the science of classification of organisms
E)a type of simple, single-celled organism

D) the science of classification of organisms


A)a reproductive cell, such as an unfertilized egg
B)to add pollen to the female organ of a flower
C)a long, tubular organ, like a tongue, used for sucking
D)an unborn, developing plant or animal
E)not sexual

B) to add pollen to the female organ of a flower

The answer is D) the science of classification of organisms.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and the options provided:

Taxonomy refers to the science of classification of organisms. It involves organizing and categorizing living things based on their characteristics and relationships.

Option A) states that taxonomy is another term for a moneran, which is incorrect. Monerans are a group of bacteria-like organisms, but taxonomy is the field that studies and categorizes these organisms. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.

Option B) suggests that taxonomy is related to a beneficial relationship between organisms. However, while taxonomy may help in understanding and studying relationships between organisms, it is not specifically about beneficial relationships. This option is incorrect.

Option C) describes a single-celled organism that has characteristics of both plants and animals. Although it provides information about an organism, it does not relate directly to taxonomy. Therefore, option C can be eliminated.

Option D) correctly defines taxonomy as the science of classification of organisms. This option aligns with the broad definition of taxonomy and is the correct answer.

Option E) states that taxonomy refers to a type of simple, single-celled organism. This is incorrect, as taxonomy is the study of classification, not a specific type of organism. Thus, option E can be eliminated.

In conclusion, the correct answer is D) the science of classification of organisms, based on the given options and the definition of taxonomy.