In 2009, Olympic gold medalist caster semenya was subjected to gender testing and faced criticism over her testosterone levels, which led to a length battle over her right to complete as a women...which human rights have been infringed

Several human rights have been potentially infringed upon in the case of Caster Semenya, including:

1. Right to privacy: Semenya's private medical information, including her hormone levels, were made public without her consent, which could be seen as a violation of her right to privacy.

2. Right to equality: The criticism and doubt raised about Semenya's gender identity and the implications on her athletic abilities could be interpreted as a violation of her right to equality and non-discrimination.

3. Right to non-interference with personal life: Semenya's right to pursue her chosen career as an athlete without interference from external parties could have been potentially violated through the gender testing and subsequent scrutiny.

4. Right to dignity: The negative media coverage and questions raised about Semenya's identity could have undermined her sense of dignity and caused emotional harm.

5. Right to freedom from discrimination: Semenya was potentially discriminated against on the basis of her gender identity, which could be seen as a violation of her right to freedom from discrimination.