jerry mixes the letters F, P, M, M, M, F, P, and j throughly. Without looking., Amanda draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability that J will NOT be the letter Amanda selects

There are a total of 8 letters. The letter J appears only once. So, the probability of Amanda selecting J is 1/8. To find the probability of Amanda NOT selecting J, we subtract this probability from 1:

1 - 1/8 = 7/8

As a decimal, this is 0.875, and as a percentage, it is 87.5%. Therefore, the probability that J will NOT be the letter Amanda selects is 7/8, 0.875, or 87.5%.

Christopher mixes the letters S, E, L, E, C, D, E and D thoroughly . Without looking, Ellen draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage. What is the probability that Ellen will not select a consonant

There are a total of 8 letters. To find the probability of Ellen not selecting a consonant, we need to count how many vowels are in the group of letters:

- S is a consonant
- E is a vowel
- L is a consonant
- E is a vowel
- C is a consonant
- D is a consonant
- E is a vowel
- D is a consonant

Out of the 8 letters, 3 are vowels. So, the probability of Ellen selecting a vowel is 3/8. To find the probability of Ellen not selecting a consonant, we can simply add the probabilities of selecting the vowels:

3/8 = 0.375 = 37.5%

Therefore, the probability that Ellen will not select a consonant is 3/8, 0.375, or 37.5%.

Suppose you have a drawer full of white, black, and yellow pairs of socks. If the probability of picking a white pair of socks is 4/9, and the probability of picking black pair of socks is 7/18, what is the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks?

Let's first assign variables for the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks. Let y be the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks. We know that the sum of the probabilities of picking a white, black, or yellow pair of socks is 1. So, we can write an equation:

4/9 + 7/18 + y = 1

To solve for y, we can simplify the equation by finding a common denominator for the first two terms:

8/18 + 7/18 + y = 1

Combining the first two terms, we get:

15/18 + y = 1

Subtracting 15/18 from both sides:

y = 3/18

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

y = 1/6

So, the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks is 1/6.

While shopping, you purchase, four pairs of jeans, six T-shirts, and three pairs of shoes. How many different outfits will you be able to make using one pair of jeans, one shirt, and one pair of shoes


To find the number of different outfits that can be made using one pair of jeans, one shirt, and one pair of shoes, we need to multiply the number of options for each item.

For jeans, there are 4 options. For T-shirts, there are 6 options. And for shoes, there are 3 options.

So, the total number of different outfits that can be made is:

4 x 6 x 3 = 72

Therefore, the answer is 72. Option (D).

There are four marbles in a big bag with the colors, red, white, blue and green. John pulls out one marble and tossed a coin. How many elements are there in the sample space?


When John pulls out one marble, there are 4 possible outcomes: red, white, blue, or green.

When he tosses a coin, there are 2 possible outcomes: heads or tails.

To find the total number of elements in the sample space, we need to multiply the number of outcomes for each action:

4 x 2 = 8

So, there are 8 elements in the sample space. Therefore, the answer is (C) 8.

Allis ice cream shop offers five flavors and 10 toppings. Jails ice cream shop offer seven flavors and seven toppings. Fernandez ice cream shop offers nine flavors and six toppings. Laura’s ice cream shop office 13 flavors and for toppings. If you want flavor of ice cream and one topping, which shop gives you the most options