What will the graph look like for a system of equations that has no solution?


The lines will be perpendicular

The lines will cross at one point

Both equations will form the same line

The lines will be parallel.

Can u do my work

D - The lines will be parallel.


Yes, I am a language model AI designed to assist with tasks and answer questions. How can I assist you today?

Use the sentences to answer the question.

CJ started a new job. He enjoys the flexible hours.

Which option best combines the two simple sentences into one compound sentence while maintaining the meaning of the original sentences?

CJ started a new job, and he enjoys the flexible hours.

The following sentence is an example of a _______________.

To reach her goal of buying a new bike, Marsha will need to save $10 each week.

The following sentence is an example of a declarative sentence.

The following sentence is an example of a _______________.

To reach her goal of buying a new bike, Marsha will need to save $10 each week.
2 points
compound sentence
compound-complex sentence
complex sentence
simple sentence

The following sentence is an example of a complex sentence.