Which of the following is the main purpose of news programming on TV or online?(1 point)


to advertise
to advertise

to entertain
to entertain

to persuade
to persuade

to inform
to inform

to inform

The main purpose of news programming on TV or online is to inform.

The main purpose of news programming on TV or online is to inform. News programs are designed to provide viewers or readers with accurate, timely, and relevant information about current events happening locally, nationally, and internationally. They aim to present facts, deliver news stories, and report on different topics such as politics, economics, social issues, sports, and entertainment.

To arrive at this answer, you could eliminate the other options by considering their primary purposes:

- Advertising is typically a secondary function of news programming, as commercials and sponsorships support the broadcasting or online platforms. However, its main purpose is not to advertise products or services.
- While news programs can be entertaining at times by using engaging storytelling techniques, their primary function is not to entertain viewers.
- Persuasion is usually associated with opinion-based programming or advocacy, whereas news programs strive to provide objective information without explicitly trying to persuade the audience.

Hence, the correct answer is "to inform."