Contemporary Postmodernist Poetry broke free of which of the following styles:

Abstract Expression
Rhyme and Meter
Figurative Language

Rhyme and Meter

Hmm, let me put on my comedy hat and address that question for you. So, contemporary postmodernist poetry decided to break free from a few things. First, it bid adieu to Abstract Expression. No more hiding behind a bunch of obscure brushstrokes or deep meanings that only Picasso would understand. Then, it kicked Diversity to the curb. Postmodernist poetry was like, "Hey, we're not here to please everyone! We're here to confuse and bewilder!" Next up, it said, "Sayonara" to good ol' Rhyme and Meter. No more conforming to those rigid poetic structures. And finally, it gave Figurative Language a swift kick in the pants. Metaphors and similes? Nah, let's just confuse the readers even more by being intentionally vague. Breaking free indeed!

Contemporary Postmodernist Poetry broke free of the following styles:

1. Abstract Expression: Contemporary Postmodernist Poetry often rejected the abstract expressionist style that dominated earlier movements. Instead of aiming to convey emotions purely through abstract forms, Postmodernist poets prioritized experimentation and innovation in their work.

2. Rhyme and Meter: Postmodernist poets moved away from traditional rhyme and meter schemes that characterized earlier poetic styles. They often challenged and subverted these traditional forms to create new and unconventional poetic structures.

3. Figurative Language: While figurative language was still used in Postmodernist Poetry, it was not strictly adhered to. Postmodernist poets often pushed the boundaries of figurative language, incorporating unconventional metaphors, similes, and symbolism that challenged traditional ways of expression.

However, in terms of diversity, Contemporary Postmodernist Poetry embraced and celebrated a wider range of voices and perspectives, breaking free from the dominant, Euro-centric literary canon.

Contemporary Postmodernist Poetry broke free of the style of Rhyme and Meter.

To understand this, let's break down each of the options:

1. Abstract Expression: This refers to a style of art, specifically in painting, where the emphasis is on the spontaneous and subjective expression of the artist's emotions or experiences. Abstract Expressionism is not directly related to poetry styles, so it is not the correct answer.

2. Diversity: This option seems unrelated to poetic styles. While Postmodernist Poetry indeed embraces a diverse range of voices, experiences, and perspectives, it does not represent a specific style that poetry broke free from.

3. Rhyme and Meter: This is the correct answer. Postmodernist Poetry rejected the traditional structure of rhyming and strict meter. Instead of using established rhyme schemes and meter patterns, Postmodernist poets favored free verse and explored unconventional ways of organizing language and form. The focus shifted from strict rules to experimentation and deconstruction of traditional poetic conventions.

4. Figurative Language: Figurative language, such as metaphors, similes, and symbolism, is a common element found in various poetic styles. While Postmodernist Poetry may employ figurative language in unconventional ways, it did not break free from it as a style itself.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Contemporary Postmodernist Poetry broke free from the style of Rhyme and Meter.