(Blank) is a method of extraction of pomace that is cheaper, environmentally friendly, has reduced waste, and requires simpler facilities.

Fill in the blank-

a- cold, low-pressure water extraction
b- high pressure, high-temperature water extraction
c- catalyst extraction
d- organic solvent extraction

a- cold, low-pressure water extraction

a- cold, low-pressure water extraction

The answer is a- cold, low-pressure water extraction.

To arrive at the answer, we need to examine the given characteristics: cheaper, environmentally friendly, reduced waste, and simpler facilities.

b- High pressure, high-temperature water extraction involves the use of significant pressure and heat, which generally requires complex and expensive equipment. It may also generate more waste and have a higher environmental impact due to the energy requirements.

c- Catalyst extraction typically involves the use of chemicals (catalysts) to facilitate the extraction process. While it may have its advantages, it may not necessarily be cheaper, and there could be potential concerns regarding waste disposal and environmental impact.

d- Organic solvent extraction involves the use of solvents such as ethanol or hexane to extract desired components. Although it can be efficient, it often requires the use of hazardous and flammable solvents, leading to safety and environmental concerns.

This leaves us with option a- Cold, low-pressure water extraction. This method utilizes water at lower temperatures and pressures to extract pomace. It is generally more cost-effective, reduces waste, and has a lower environmental impact compared to the other methods mentioned.