Which of the following items is the best example of functional art?

A lamp made from recycled materials that also serves as a piece of sculpture.

To determine the best example of functional art among a list of items, it would be helpful to know what specific items you are referring to. Can you please provide the list of items you would like to compare?

To determine which of the given items is the best example of functional art, we first need to understand what functional art is. Functional art refers to an object that has both practical functionality and artistic design. It combines aesthetics with utility, blurring the boundaries between art and everyday objects.

Now, let's analyze each given item and evaluate its artistic and functional qualities.

1. Ceramic vase: A ceramic vase is traditionally considered a functional art piece. It combines artistic elements such as shape, design, and texture while also serving the practical purpose of holding flowers or other decorative elements.

2. Framed photograph: While a framed photograph can be aesthetically pleasing and evoke emotions, it is primarily considered a form of fine art rather than functional art. Its primary purpose is to be viewed and appreciated for its artistic qualities rather than having a functional use.

3. Sculpture: Sculptures can vary widely in terms of their functionality. Some sculptures focus solely on artistic expression and may not have any practical use. However, if the sculpture has a practical purpose or is designed to be interacted with (e.g., seating, lighting), it could be considered functional art.

4. Decorative mirror: A decorative mirror can be seen as functional art as it serves a practical purpose (reflection) while also being designed to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a space.

Based on these evaluations, the best example of functional art among the given options would be the ceramic vase or the decorative mirror. These objects not only display artistic qualities but also serve a specific purpose in our daily lives.