India is a house sitter. She charges a $25 travel fee and $125 per night, with the first night free. You can use the equation c=25+125(n−1) to calculate the cost to have India house-sit for n nights. Match the terms in the equation to the correct description.

per night charge
total cost to have India house-sit
number of nights, minus the first night
one-time fee

- (n-1): number of nights, minus the first night

- per night charge: 125
- total cost to have India house-sit: c
- one-time fee: 25

(n-1): number of nights, minus the first night

per night charge: $125
125: total cost to have India house-sit
25: one-time fee
c: cost to have India house-sit for a specific number of nights

In the given equation c = 25 + 125(n-1), let's match the terms to their descriptions:

c: This represents the total cost to have India house-sit for a certain number of nights.

(n-1): This term represents the number of nights, minus the first night. It's important to subtract 1 from the total number of nights because the first night is free.

per night charge: This term is represented by 125. It signifies the amount charged for each night after the first night.

25: This represents the one-time fee charged by India for travel expenses incurred.

So, matching the terms to their descriptions, we have:
- c represents the total cost to have India house-sit.
- (n-1) represents the number of nights, minus the first night.
- The per night charge is 125.
- The one-time fee is 25.