Chris's net pay is $475.50 biweekly. If her gross annual income is

$19,500, how much is deducted from each paycheck?
a. $337
b. $274.50
c. $713.70
d. $750

To find the amount deducted from each paycheck, we need to first calculate Chris's annual net pay.

Since she is paid biweekly, we can start with her biweekly net pay:

$475.50 x 26 (pay periods in a year) = $12,381

Next, we can subtract her annual net pay from her gross income to find the total amount that is being deducted:

$19,500 - $12,381 = $7,119

Finally, we can divide this total amount by the number of pay periods in a year (26) to find the amount deducted per paycheck:

$7,119 ÷ 26 = $274.50

Therefore, the answer is b. $274.50.