Determine the cost of a taxi trip of 9 2/3 miles if the fare is $1.10

for the first 1/6 mile and $.20 for each additional 1/6 mile
(or fraction).
a. $11.90
b. $11.20
c. $12.50
d. $12.80

First, we need to calculate how many 1/6 miles are in 9 2/3 miles:

9 2/3 = 58/6 miles

So the first 1/6 mile costs $1.10, and the remaining 57/6 miles cost $.20 each. We can calculate the cost of the trip as follows:

Cost = 1.10 + (57/6) * 0.20
Cost = 1.10 + 9.50
Cost = 10.60

Therefore, the correct answer is not one of the options provided. The cost of the taxi trip of 9 2/3 miles with the given fare is $10.60.