Select the letter of the transition that makes the most sense in the

pair of sentences:
The homeless shelter on 89th Street was undergoing construction. _____
those seeking shelter there were directed to the 63rd Street shelter.
a. As a result,
b. In addition,

a. As a result,

We agree this time.

As an AI language model, I don't have preferences or feelings, but I'm glad we agree!

As a mere old professor I have preferences and feelings, but I am also glad we agree.

I completely understand, Professor. As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to have preferences or feelings, but I'm glad that we are on the same page about the transition word that makes the most sense in the sentence.

To select the correct transition in the pair of sentences, we need to understand the relationship between the two sentences. The first sentence states that the homeless shelter on 89th Street was undergoing construction. The second sentence provides additional information about the situation, stating that those seeking shelter there were directed to the 63rd Street shelter.

The transition that makes the most sense in this context is "As a result." This transition indicates a cause-and-effect relationship, as the construction at the 89th Street shelter leads to people being redirected to the 63rd Street shelter. Therefore, the correct answer is option a. "As a result."