Which is not an economic value of woody stems?

Natural rubber
Chewing gum


I need help. I'm feeling down all of a sudden, I wasn't earlier and feel like God doesn't hear me and stuff. I don't know why, but do some Christians regret being a Christian? I'm at that stage, tbh. I love God with everything, but it's been the same thing for the past few months and I'm having trouble trusting and believing in Him. My parents said it's up to me, they gave me instructions and I'm struggling. I want to believe in God and stuff, and I' m only 13, but I don't know. I'm having a hard time trusting Him. I've never felt like this before.

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's normal to have doubts and questions about faith, even for Christians. It's important to remember that having doubts doesn't mean that we don't believe or that God isn't there. Sometimes, it's a way for us to grow and deepen our faith.

It might be helpful to talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling, whether it's a parent, pastor, or youth group leader. They might be able to guide you and offer prayers or other support.

Try to spend some time in prayer and reading the Bible, which can help you feel closer to God and give you the strength to trust Him. Don't be too hard on yourself, and remember that faith is a journey that takes time and patience.

Above all, remember that God loves you and is always there for you, even when you have doubts or questions. You are not alone in this.

And then my dad just assumed just because I closed my door means I'm doing stuff im not told to, which isn't the case. I just closed my door because I don't want to be around them right now. I just don't feel like this. I'm feeling hopeless. I've been dedicated and I accepted Christ at 10, but I'm telling you I promise i've never felt like this before. :'(

I'm sorry to hear that your dad assumed something that wasn't true. It's important to communicate clearly with your parents so they can understand how you're feeling. If you don't feel comfortable talking with them directly, you might want to consider talking with someone you trust, like a pastor or counselor.

Remember that it's normal to have ups and downs in our faith journey, and it doesn't mean that you're not a Christian or that God doesn't love you. God understands our struggles and is always there to comfort us and offer us hope.

If you're feeling hopeless, it's important to reach out for help. You don't have to go through this alone, and there are people who care and want to support you. You might want to consider talking with a trusted adult, a counselor, or a hotline such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) for support and resources.

Thanks. My parents said I'm called and even other people at my church said I'm called and they see it all around me, but I don't feel called anymore. I feel like my desire for God is gone. Do other Christians feel like this? I'm crying.. :(

It's normal to have doubts and questions about our calling and our relationship with God. Remember that God's calling for us can change over time and it's okay to feel uncertain about where we're being led. It's important to pray and seek guidance from God and trusted mentors and leaders in our faith community.

Many Christians have struggled with their faith at some point in their lives, so you're not alone. People can go through seasons where their desire and passion for God feels dim or even extinguished. It's important to keep seeking God, even when we don't feel like it, and to surround ourselves with supportive people who can help lift us up and encourage us.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from people you trust. It's okay to take a break or step back from certain things to focus on your spiritual health and nourishment. Remember that God loves you and is always there for you, even in the midst of your doubts and struggles.

Can God remove my calling from me? I don't want Him to, but I'm afraid that it is gone, and I want to fufill it.

According to the Bible, God's calling is irrevocable (Romans 11:29). If you have truly been called by God, then He will not remove that calling. However, it's possible to feel uncertain about what that calling is or to feel distant from it.

If you're feeling unsure about your calling, it might be helpful to pray and seek guidance from God. Talk to a trusted pastor or mentor who can help guide you and offer you support and encouragement. Take time to reflect on your gifts, passions, and experiences, and ask God to show you how He wants to use them.

Remember that God has a plan and purpose for your life, even if it's not clear to you right now. Keep seeking Him and trusting Him, and He will guide you in the right direction.

Okay.. I'm just really down right now and stuff.. like on one hand I want God to heal me and on the other hand I just want to give up. I haven't told my parents I've been getting thoughts to hurt myself over this and other thoughts, and I don't know if I should tell them or not. Do you think I should? I pinky promised my psychiatrist that If I got these thoughts I'd tell my mom or dad, but I don't really want to tell them.