Which is a set of collinear points?






The set of collinear points is:

G, H, J

To determine which set of points is collinear, we need to understand what it means for points to be collinear. Collinear points are points that lie on the same straight line.

To determine if a set of points is collinear, we can imagine drawing a straight line through each set of points and see if all the points lie on that line.

Let's evaluate each set of points to determine if they are collinear:

Set 1: G, H, J
We can draw a line passing through points G, H, and J. If all three points lie on that line, then they are collinear.

Set 2: H, L, G
We can draw a line passing through points H, L, and G. If all three points lie on that line, then they are collinear.

Set 3: G, I, K
We can draw a line passing through points G, I, and K. If all three points lie on that line, then they are collinear.

Set 4: K, J, G
We can draw a line passing through points K, J, and G. If all three points lie on that line, then they are collinear.

Now, based on the analysis, the set of points that are collinear is Set 4: K, J, G.