Commercial agriculture can often lead to water-quality problems. In one to two sentences, explain how two of those problems occur.

Commercial agriculture can cause water-quality problems through the use of fertilizers and pesticides, which can runoff into nearby bodies of water and cause harmful algal blooms and other forms of pollution. Additionally, agricultural irrigation can deplete groundwater resources and dry up surface water sources, leading to reduced water quality and biodiversity.

Two problems caused by commercial agriculture on water quality include excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, which can leach into water sources, causing nutrient pollution and contamination, and soil erosion due to intensive farming practices, leading to sedimentation in water bodies, affecting water clarity and overall aquatic ecosystem health.

There are two main water-quality problems associated with commercial agriculture: excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can leach into water sources and cause contamination, and soil erosion due to poor land management practices, leading to sediments and nutrient runoff into water bodies, resulting in pollution.