What is one way the character directly affects the plot?(1 point)


Melody obtains the Medi-Talker which helps her communicate her ideas.
Melody obtains the Medi-Talker which helps her communicate her ideas.

Melody is dependent on her parents for basic daily tasks.

The main character is integrated into a “regular classroom.”

Claire bullies Melody for being different.

Melody obtains the Medi-Talker which helps her communicate her ideas.

One way the character directly affects the plot is by obtaining the Medi-Talker, which helps her communicate her ideas.

One way the character directly affects the plot is by obtaining the Medi-Talker which helps her communicate her ideas. This action has a direct impact on the story because it allows Melody to express herself and contribute her thoughts and opinions to the plot. The Medi-Talker becomes a tool that empowers Melody and drives her involvement in the events of the story.