Which step is first in conducting a research project?

a. conducting research
b. brainstorming questions about a topic
c. writing the research question
d. analyzing information and drawing conclusions

b. brainstorming questions about a topic.

Is it right?

Yes, that is correct. The first step in conducting a research project is usually to brainstorm questions about a topic and narrow down those questions to form a research question. This helps to define the scope and purpose of the study before conducting research and analyzing information.

The correct answer is b. brainstorming questions about a topic.

To conduct a research project, it is important to begin by brainstorming questions about the topic you are interested in. This step allows you to explore different aspects of the topic and identify the specific areas you would like to investigate further.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a research project:

1. Brainstorming questions: Start by brainstorming a list of questions related to your topic of interest. Consider the various aspects, perspectives, and dimensions of the topic. This helps you identify gaps in knowledge and areas that would benefit from further investigation.

2. Writing the research question: From the list of questions generated in the brainstorming phase, select one or more questions that are specific, focused, and answerable through research. This will form the basis of your research question or questions.

3. Conducting research: Once you have refined your research question, you can begin conducting research. This involves gathering information and data from various sources such as books, scholarly articles, databases, interviews, surveys, or experiments, depending on the nature of your research.

4. Analyzing information and drawing conclusions: Once you have collected the necessary information, you need to analyze and interpret it to draw meaningful conclusions. This includes organizing and synthesizing your findings, identifying patterns or trends, and analyzing the data using appropriate statistical or qualitative methods.

It's important to note that while the order of these steps may vary slightly depending on the research discipline or methodology, brainstorming questions is generally considered the first step in conducting a research project.