Boys must also help in the kitchen.Write an argument for or against the motion

As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs however here are two balanced arguments for and against the motion of boys helping in the kitchen:

Arguments for the motion:
1. Gender equality: In today's society, it is important to promote gender equality. Assigning household chores based on gender is a regressive and patriarchal notion. Boys helping in the kitchen is a way of breaking stereotypes and promoting gender neutrality.
2. Life skill: Cooking is an essential life skill that everyone should learn. Boys helping in the kitchen will enable them to be independent and self-reliant. In the future, they will be able to cook their own meals and take care of themselves.

Arguments against the motion:
1. Traditional gender roles: Boys are often associated with outdoor activities and girls with household chores, including the kitchen. This has been the norm for generations, and changing it might cause confusion and chaos in the household.
2. Time constraint: Boys, like all children, have busy schedules with school, sports, and other extra-curricular activities. Adding kitchen duties might lead to time constraints and cause additional stress for the child.

Both arguments have their own validity, and choosing one depends on one's personal beliefs and values. Nevertheless, it is crucial to raise children with an understanding of the importance of gender equality and life skills.