Coyotes primarily feed on small mammals such as rabbit squirrels birds and mice many of these prey try to escape from coyotes by Baron into the ground which of the following characteristics most likely to be naturally selected to increase a coyotes population chances of survival over time sharper claws that Aidan digging blunt teeth that can be used for digging later colored fur that reflects light smaller ears so that are less sensitive to noise

Sharper claws that aid in digging would be the characteristic most likely to be naturally selected to increase a coyote's population chances of survival over time.

Over time, the climate of a region becomes cooler. How will this most likely affect the species living in that region?

Some species that already have or that develop cold-weather adaptations through natural selection will survive, while species without cold-weather adaptations may go extinct.
All of the current species living in the region will migrate to warmer areas, while species adapted to cold-weather climates will migrate into the region.
All of the current species living in the area will become extinct, and new species better adapted to the climate will form and populate the region.
Most of the current species living in the area will develop beneficial mutations, which will lead to adaptations that help them survive in the new climate.
Small differences between parents and offspring accumulate over time. This process
prevents parents from being able to care for their offspring.
makes it impossible for species to adapt to changes in their environment.
results in only one type of organism that has the exact same characteristics as its ancestors.
results in many different types of organisms with different characteristics from their ancestors.
Many sponges can reproduce asexually. Ladybugs, on the other hand, reproduce sexually. When small bits of a sponge are broken off—often by currents or by predators—they can float to new regions and regenerate as new sponges. A ladybug must find a mate before it can reproduce.One disadvantage of the sponge's method of reproduction is that
it requires more energy.
its offspring have little genetic diversity.
its offspring have greater genetic diversity.
it must devote a greater portion of its life cycle to reproduction.
A potato plant can reproduce asexually so that one potato can often give rise to many other potatoes. Strawberry plants can reproduce sexually.A potato plant puts a large amount of its energy into growing a tuber, which is the part that humans eat. The tuber can grow large and provide energy for the plant during the winter, or it can be used to grow new potato plants. A strawberry plant, on the other hand, puts much of its energy into growing flowers to attract insects that aid in pollination. After fertilization, the strawberry plant must then also grow seeds as well as fruit to attract animals that disperse the seeds.Based on this information, the asexually reproducing potato plant most likely devotes _______ to reproduction than the sexually reproducing strawberry plant.
more energy
fewer spores
less energy
more seeds
If there were no decomposers, which of the following would most likely happen?
Some plants might die due to a shortage of important nutrients.
The amount of dead plant and animal matter would decrease.
Plants and animals would remain living for a longer period of time.
Animals would start carrying out photosynthesis.
Which of the following is a producer in the food web shown below?
Captionless Image
The image below shows an aquatic food web. Which of the following describes how energy is transferred between the algae and the crustacean?
Captionless Image
The algae and the crustacean both transfer energy to each other.
Energy is transferred from the crustacean to the algae.
Energy is transferred from the algae to the crustacean.
Energy is not transferred between the algae and the crustacean.

1. Some species that already have or that develop cold-weather adaptations through natural selection will survive, while species without cold-weather adaptations may go extinct.

2. Small differences between parents and offspring accumulate over time. This process results in many different types of organisms with different characteristics from their ancestors.
3. Its offspring have little genetic diversity.
4. more energy
5. Some plants might die due to a shortage of important nutrients.
6. grass
7. Energy is transferred from the algae to the crustacean.

To determine the characteristic that is most likely to be naturally selected to increase a coyote's population chances of survival over time, we need to consider the given scenario. Coyotes primarily feed on small mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, birds, and mice, many of which try to escape by burrowing into the ground.

Naturally selected characteristics are those that give an advantage to an organism, increasing its chances of survival and reproduction. Let's evaluate each of the given characteristics in this context:

1. Sharper claws that aid in digging: This characteristic would allow coyotes to dig more effectively, potentially enabling them to catch the prey that burrows into the ground. This could provide an advantage and increase their chances of survival.

2. Blunt teeth that can be used for digging: While blunt teeth might aid in digging, they are more suited for crushing or tearing food, rather than digging. This characteristic may not provide as much benefit in catching burrowing prey.

3. Lighter-colored fur that reflects light: Although camouflage is important for predators, reflecting light may not be as advantageous for a coyote in this scenario. Hunting at night is a common behavior for coyotes, so a lighter-colored fur may not provide as much benefit as other characteristics.

4. Smaller ears that are less sensitive to noise: Coyotes rely on their acute sense of hearing to locate prey, especially when hunting in grass or undergrowth. Having smaller ears that are less sensitive to noise could potentially hinder their hunting ability, resulting in a disadvantage.

Based on these evaluations, the characteristic that is most likely to be naturally selected to increase a coyote's population chances of survival over time would be sharper claws that aid in digging. This feature would allow coyotes to effectively catch the prey that burrows into the ground, increasing their access to food and likelihood of survival.